Welcome to the Macmillan Influencer & Reviewer Program!
We have created an influencer & reviewer form in an effort to broaden the group of influencers and reviewers who request and are chosen to receive books from us
Interested in reviewing and posting about our books? Here is what to do and what to expect!
Within this form, you’ll be able to share additional background information about yourself so we can ensure that our books for review are getting into the hands of a more diverse and inclusive group of early readers. It is entirely optional to provide this information.
We will add the information you provide us to the Macmillan Influencer & Reviewer Database. It will be shared with our internal publishers, marketing teams and occasionally authors, to determine if there are additional influencers and reviewers who should receive review copies for upcoming advance review campaigns.*
If you have a specific title request, you can reach out to the publisher at:
- Celadon Books: celadonbooks.com/celadon-arc
- Farrar, Straus and Giroux: [email protected]
- Flatiron Books: [email protected]
- Henry Holt: [email protected]
- Macmillan Audio: [email protected]
- Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group: [email protected]
- Picador: [email protected]
- St. Martin's Publishing Group: [email protected] or go to: stmartinspressinfluencers.com
- Tor/Forge: [email protected]
- Tor.com Publishing: [email protected]
- Tor Teen: [email protected]
- International Marketing: [email protected]
*Submission of this information will not guarantee or preclude you receiving ARCs. To request access to or deletion of your data provided here, please email [email protected]. See Macmillan Privacy Notice.