More Myself
A Journey
Alicia Keys
with Michelle Burford
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An intimate, revealing look at one artist’s journey from self-censorship to full expression.
More Myself is part autobiography, part narrative documentary. Alicia’s journey is revealed not only through her own candid recounting, but also through vivid recollections from those who have walked alongside her. The result is a 360-degree perspective on Alicia’s path—from her girlhood in Hell’s Kitchen and Harlem, to the process of self-discovery she’s still navigating.
I could feel the power of Alicia’s presence even before she belted out the first soulful notes of the lyrics that made her famous—‘I keep on fallin’ in and out of love with you.’ I knew she had all those sparkling qualities that make stars shine. More important, Alicia has navigated the spotlight and pressures of fame while retaining a humble and beautiful spirit. I am honored she chose to share her personal story through my imprint.Oprah Winfrey